Feed is a platform that helps the progression of many different creatives such as graphic designers, dancers, photographers, fashionistas, musicians, hair and make up artists and fine artists.

For the past 3 years FEED has created a series of magazines which are conceived, designed, written and printed by creative and performing artists at the FEED studios, it is a collaboration between the creative industries and the creative and performing arts department with world renowned artists taking part such as Mainframe, Johnny Hardstaff, Accept and Proceed, Vanley Burke and Jonathan Barnbrook.
Write a review of the Anton Corbijn film Control and design the layout for the spread as a part of the PINK issue.

A monochrome layout Influenced by the film being shot in black and white and illustrations based on iconic Joy Division photographs. The composition was kept subtle to reflect the tragedy of Ian Curtis’s death and the pain he suffers throughout the film: whilst also allowing the illustrations to breathe and give balance to the text and illustrations.

For more information on FEED please visit here.